Onto the Next One.
Well well well, it’s been a while. With the start of hockey season came a major reduction in free time, which incidentally meant a pause in my not so illustrious writing career. However, I’m thankful the boys are getting to have a season. The pandemic has already cost them so much both on and off the ice that I can’t fathom what another missed season might have done. With that being said, I have not stopped listening to and watching content and want to get one more post out before we step into 2022. The list has become somewhat long and an in-depth dive for all will take my sloth-paced brain all day to put into writing. So. I’m going to do it a bit differently this time and see how it comes together.
As many of you are aware it was the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks this year. This was no doubt why so much new content was produced around that time and I dove in. One of the best (and saddest) conversations I listened to this year was #220 Niels Jorgensen, on Lex’s show. Niels was a member of the NY City Fire Department that fateful morning and he tells his story, in entirety, to Lex. Peter Attia also took a look at the anniversary through a historical lens focused on the circumstances surrounding the Bin Laden family and what led the attacks to take place with #174 Lawrence Wright, a Pulitzer winning author on the topic.
Health and wellness take up a large percentage of what I listen to and there are a number of good ones to mention. #178 Lance Armstrong was one of my favourite discussions on The Drive. To hear the G.O.A.T. talk about his rise, fall, and journey to redemption was quite incredible. Peter then had on #179 Jeremy Loenneke, a Ph.D on the use of blood flow restriction (BFR). This was a technical discussion, which I will need to be re-listening to in order to scribble down some proper notes. BFR has been popping up all over the rehab world and it was useful to get some proper insight into the most effective applications and whether it should be used primarily for rehabilitation of an injury or if it has value for muscle growth in a healthy individual. Lex had on #210 Matt Walker, a sleep scientist and author to discuss that very topic…sleep. While I still tend to fall short of my sleep goals, that was one of the areas I was working to improve during 2021. My Whoop played a big role in at least me attempting to get the recommended hours based on my strain that day. The phrase “sleep when you’re dead” may not be completely eradicated from my life but I must say I feel a whole lot better and able to push harder when I’m not running on fumes. #183 James Clear, everyone’s favourite habit guru was on with Peter and although I’ve already read the book the conversation was a great recap and you always get a little something more live. If you haven’t read the book “Atomic Habits”, this discussion is the next best thing. #1735 Peter Attia took his talents on JRE for some crossover action. This was a really cool convo on a vast array of topics that Peter is extremely knowledgeable in and I had to listen to portions of it twice. Last but definitely not least, #242 Kelly Starrett, was on the Rx’d Radio Podcast. There was A LOT of ego stroking as per usual from these 2 but through all the gesturing you get to learn some of the history around the Supple Leopard and what he’s up to next.
Drugs are always a topic I have time for and Peter had 2 great guests on to discuss it. #186 Patrick Keefe took the opioid crisis back to its roots with the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma. This is not a feel good story and there is no happy ending to this discussion. You’re definitely left wondering if we’re ever going to get out of this mess. #182 Dave Nut goes a different direction towards the potential value of psychedelics and the classification around recreational illicit drugs.
Joe has had a number of independent journalists and political commentators on recently and although I don’t always agree with everything they have to say I find it extremely valuable to unpack some of the tough topics facing the planet from a variety of angles. Those voices are #1732 Ben Shapiro, #1737 Tim Pool, and #1745 Matt Taibbi. My absolute favourite place to get news, in an independent, unwashed, facts only fashion is Breaking Points w/ Krystal and Saager. I literally listen to them 3x/week on my drive to and from work. I’m hopeful with the immense success they’re having they’ll expand some coverage from the US to Canada but nonetheless if you want to know what’s going on with our neighbours down south, this is it.
Covid remains as polarizing as ever and Joe has had 2 guests in the recent past on to discuss it. #1718 Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a surgeon and CNN’s main medical correspondent and #1747 Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist and academic. Put aside your biases for a few hours and just listen. There’s a ton of information here, what you choose to do with it is up to you. These are compelling discussions and worth the listen.
#1716 Steven Rinella, a hunter, #1730 Cameron Hanes, a bow hunter and endurance athlete, and #1740 Jocko Willink, a former Navy Seal have all been back on JRE in the recent past. These are bro-y conversations and great for long drives when you just need to kill some time.
I want to end on two of the more out-there conversations. The first is #1710 Cullen Hoback the investigative filmmaker who produced the HBO-Crave docuseries Q: Into The Storm. This conversation and that show go head first into the bizarre world that is Q-Anon. If you are interested in conspiracies this will be right up your alley. The second is #1742 Jimmy Corsetti who takes the strange from the current world back a few thousand years to ancient times. He discusses the construction of the Pyramids and many other mysteries I was not familiar with. Definitely an interesting listen.
I came across one documentary on Prime that is worth mentioning and absolutely worth watching; The Alpinist. This picture stars the best climber you have never heard of who happens to be from right next door in BC. In fact, I was talking to a client who climbs and she said he is probably the best ‘athlete’ you have never heard of. I would agree. What he does makes Alex Honnold’s feats look like child’s play. If you’re alright with your palms sweating for 90 minutes you need to check it out!
Alright everyone, that’s it for this blog and for 2021! Thanks to those who have followed along over the year! As always, thanks for reading and I’ll catch you on the flip side!